
An all encompassing idea for a new advertising agency.

Everything is advertising, right? And Everything is a new ad agency that signs up clients on the proviso that it signs off on every iteration of the brand’s expression.

Not just the traditional television commercials, radio spot and magazine spreads. More than print, point of sale, newspapers, billboards and the typical media buy. More than the graphic design, brochures and signage. Even more than the latest social media.

Everything handles everything. Whether it’s choosing the carpet and interior design, the fleet of cars and uniforms, the social media feeds. Every way the brand expresses itself is decided by Everything to ensure everything is aligned.

Everything is responsible for the entire brand ecology. It grows the brand into a living system.

It employs thoughtful people with names like Christian, Jessica, Brad, Mila, Sean, Kate, George, Anne, Matt, Cameron.

The naturally lit agency offices are located within a botanic garden.

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