Money for nothing
Come on, be honest.
If you’re a true creative, it’s never about the money.
You’d do it for free. Hell, you’d pay someone to let you do what you do.
Which is noble and righteous and profoundly stupid. Now more than ever you create all the value that others are prepared to pay for.
It could be a painting, a song, a logo. It could be a feeling, a tone, a notion.
Capital no longer creates the growth it used to. You used to be able to rub money together to make more money. No more. Interest rates have fallen through the floor. Exchanges are taking a battering.
In an age of product and service parity (parody?), the only thing that makes a brand stand apart is the idea. Your idea.
Rub ideas together to make more ideas. Don’t settle for the first wave or second wave of ideas. Keep surfing. Go for an idea that can shift culture, move markets.
Charge what the idea is worth. Calculate how much value your idea is creating and charge accordingly.
Charge what’s fair.