Scenes from the coast: New electric scooters

The future is coming. There’s no stopping it. There never is.

Increasingly it’s coming sooner than expected, a lot sooner and a lot faster. It seems to be accelerating. But isn’t that the nature of time? Everything speeding up everywhere.

Out by the coast, the wooden fences between neighbours aren’t as high as in the city. Aren’t as divisive. You hear the cranking of bicycle chains and pedals as children ride around town. Bicycle wheels crunching through the gravel on the edge of the road. Heads bopping along the top of fences in sync with their manic pedalling.

But today their heads are still as they glide past faster than ever. Their bodies straight and tall. And barely a sound.

Only a whoosh as they slice through the air, ear pods firmly in place and their minds in another place.

They’d bought new electric scooters and they’d never moved so fast in their lives.

Flying headlong into the future.

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