The time is now
Have you had an idea rolling around your head for a while?
Weighing up the pros and cons? Deliberating one way or another? Second guessing the future? Second guessing yourself?
Maybe you’ve started putting together a business plan. Or downloading spreadsheet templates to crunch the numbers.
That’s all good and well. And it may help you think you’re doing the right thing, the sensible thing.
But at some point you’re going to have to turn that idea into a reality. You going to have to make it real.
Creating something out of nothing is what being creative is all about. It’s not about the software or the filter or the kerning or whatever. It’s about the creation of something new.
Could be a new design business. New diet kombucha drink. New screenplay. New portrait. New poem.
There’s never been a better time to bring something new into the world.
Don’t hesitate. Don’t overthink it.
Do it now.